Batman, A Style Icon. You Don't Believe Me?

It's official that Ben Affleck will be the next Batman in Man of Steel Sequel. I see people on my Twitter talking about him but in my opinion there's nothing wrong if he becomes the new Batman. But do you really know that we actually can learn fashion from this superhero?

1. One color: black.

We all know that Batman is identical with black. You name it, his outfit, his car, or even weapon - they are all black. but still we consider him as a powerful man. So, wearing your favorite color is not wrong at all, you still can play it with the right combination. See Mick Jagger, he's famous of wearing black from head to toe. But everybody knows him and still adores him.

Lady Gaga and Mick Jagger

2. Confidence.

There's no way that Batman is lack of confidence. He wears that black outfit everywhere, even in front of people that he barely knows a.k.a his foes. This is one thing that we all need to learn. Confidence is one of the most important things in fashion. From it you can feel comfortable and proud of what you wear.

3. Dare to take a risk.

This is also one of the key points. You need to do an experiment for your look, not only in a safe zone. Try different things and try to wear outfit that explains about what you feel. Take a risk and combine it with confidence and you can beat all of those thieves ..oops I mean fears. But this is what it's all about, right? Batman is so brave, he dares to take a risk to beat the bad guys.

4. Not necessarily important, but.. Batman has a cool ride.

Batmobile is my favorite thing in Batman movies. He always has that cool ride, not only car, but also motorcycle. Maybe when you financially ready you need this kind of stuff, especially you're a man. Cool men ride cool cars. Or motorcycles.

1989 Batmobile

So these are  the things that can be learn from this dark knight. You know you need all of things I mentioned above. Then you can be the superhero of your life.

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