The Glam-Rock Culture

“Glam culture is ultimately rooted in obsession, and those of us who are truly devoted and loyal to the lifestyle of glamour are masters of its history. Or, to put it more elegantly, we are librarians.”  - Lady Gaga

That evening, March 31, I was reading a lot of stuff. Fashion stuff. I was thirsty of the new culture in fashion. For me, fashion is not only about expensive clothes or judging people who have a collection sold at Walmart, it is also about culture, things that have been going around life. Then I was wondering, what is the root of fashion? How was the feeling when people realize for the very first time that fashion defined their caste?
Then I found an interesting article about The Glam Culture on Rolling Stone. They interviewed Lady Gaga, the queen of controversy. The Glam Culture itself was miss-understood as the movement of gay people, long before the LGBT rights were discussed seriously. The discrimination of seeing the culture with another style in fashion world was clearly declared. But Lady Gaga, with her unique character in her style (that was influenced by the pop and rock culture), broke the wrong interpretation. She stands out with her Glam-Rock Culture.

Gaga with a very-New-York rocker style
Long before Gaga, there were Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, and Elton John with their Glam-Rock character. But then again, we need to highlight the word 'long before'. There is nearly no singer who actually brings this style back to live. "Everything from vintage books and magazine I found at the Strand on 12th Street to my dad's old Bowie posters to metal records from my best friend Lady Starlight to Aunt Merle's hand-me-down emerald-green designer pumps were sprawled all over the floor about two feet from my bathroom and four inches from my George Foreman Grill," explains Gaga clearly in the interview. She stated that she's influenced by the old metal records and another Glam-Rock stuff. She actually experienced it. The pop singer recently made another controversy by performing one of her songs while being thrown up by the vomit artist, Millie Brown. At the SXSW keynote speech event she explained that as an artist, everybody should have the freedom to express, not to say yes to everything the management says.

Gaga being thrown up on a swine rodeo

For me, that is the spirit of the true Glam-Rock Culture. In this 2014, I must say that the culture is not always related with the gay movement. It's about freedom to express and freedom to experience the soul of the culture. The root itself was actually from the experience of having the freedom in the past, breaking any rules just to have the moment where we can be who we truly are. The Glam-Rock Culture is the way to experience it. The way to be free.

The Twisted Tale of Glam Rock
Lady Gaga Declares Herself 'Librarian of Glam Culture' (Rolling Stone)

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