Jake Gyllenhaal Covers V MAN Magazine

The Brokeback Mountain star covers V MAN magazine, the 10th anniversary issue. Jake looks great on the cover but for me he looks much older than I could remember. This cover was shot by Hedi Slimane.

"I made a number of changes in my life," Gyllenhaal says in the interview "I moved from Los Angeles to New York City, really to be closer to my family, and also I made a lot of promises to myself about getting back to theater, which is what I love, and I really want to follow that."

He continues:

"I wanted to be around that community. So I just made this sort of big move out East, which is the opposite move people usually make, and I basically took some time. I had reached a point in my life and career where I had to ask myself what I really believed in, what I wanted to leave behind. I felt like those questions warranted exploration. I believe deeply in the reality of both the light and ark side of things and everything in between. I am interested in exploring people and situations without a filter. How unbearable is it to be in front of yourself, to totally recognize yourself in another being?"

So what do you think about the cover? See it below, + sneak peek of some photoshoots inside the magazine:

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