Technology Is No More Nerd, It's More Fab Now

Technology and fashion - two different things that sometimes don't work together. But when we look back, there are some designers that combined these two into a piece of art. Technology in fashion is not a new thing, a lot of forms of technology have been involved to the clothing industry. Even though not all people can wear it (only special or "weird" people like artists and models) but the occurrence of this combination keeps increasing.

Alexander McQueen was famous for this fusion. When he worked as a designer at Givenchy he held several shows that involved the use of technology. The paint-sprayer robot that moved by itself sprayed the dress that was wore by a model, changed it into a new form of a dress full of colors. When Lee had his own brand, Alexander McQueen, he also held his last show with technology involved. Models with his infamous armadillo shoes and sparkling dress, walking on the runway with two massive cameras moving along with them.

Two robots spraying paint to the dress, live on the McQueen show

Two cameras moving along with the models.

Now, as the technology keeps developing, many designers and artists try to invent another way to combine these two different things in more intimate way. Singers like Lady Gaga, has her own company to do this things called Studio XO, a branch in Haus Of Gaga that specially works for her to make innovative dresses. A bubble dress, not the old bubble dress that she wore at the SNL, is actually a dress that can produces real bubbles and it makes that dress looks so innovative. Volantis, a dress that can actually fly was also designed by her team.

Lady Gaga's bubble dress

Volantis, first ever flying dress

These two revolutionary artists are not the only one that use technology as the thing that influences fashion. A lot of different and unique dresses like neon dress, living dress, including in movie industry like Tron Legacy, Step Up 3D and another forms of dresses, wigs, and accessories have been made by using this modern phenomena. By seeing this new kind of activity that has been happening in the fashion world, it means that human has been trying to invent something new. People in the fashion industry has been trying to destroy the circle - the circle in fashion world that keeps repeating the eras that have happened before. It means in the future we can see people wearing the more innovative, unique and a lot different things for their clothes. Maybe technology and fashion were destined to be together and change the entire face of fashion industry, pushing the designers and fashion freaks to invent another trend that is more original.

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