Are White Trousers Still Underrated?

I tell you now, the answer is no. I decided to write about this because few weeks ago my friends said that white trousers is so old - in a bad way. I don't know why would they said that because to be totally honest they're engineering students, people that have the lowest consciousness about style and fashion. I could say in that time that they're totally wrong, but I think it's better if they read my blog.

Here, don't stuck with someone in a movie saying
"I don't think you're supposed to wear white jeans since 1983."
I think it's from Never Been Kissed, a 1999 movie (I remember this movie because I was so in love with Drew Barrymore!). The impact of this movie quote is still happening until now. People simply believe about what actors say in the movies because they think actors are celebs and celebs have a good sense of fashion. But the truth is, you can't always believe about what they say in the movies - it's just movies!
The truth is:

1. For men, white jeans or white trousers are still the best choice especially for summer

Because it reflects the color of the sun, so it can hide your sweat. People usually avoid choosing white colored clothes because they're afraid of getting dirt, without knowing the essence of the color, or the purpose why this whole industry choose to produce them.

2. White trousers are one of the most iconic wearing ever.

Napoleon by Robert Lefevre
You don't believe this? Let me tell you a story. Before 1983, white trousers were so famous and almost all  of people liked it. There was a rule saying that white trousers are only be worn after the memorial day and never after the labor day. In another part of the world, white trousers were considered a wearing that defines bravery of army troops (to be exact, remember Napoleon Bonaparte?). And now people back wearing white trousers to recall those moments when people used to show bravery and respect their country.

3. You have tops that have motifs? Time  to wear white trousers!

It's summer, sunny and you have a bunch new collections of tee, shirt and another tops with motifs. It means that you're destined to wear white trousers. White-colored trousers can go with any kin of tops with motifs. Tip: you can also combine those tops and white trousers with loafers or saddle shoes. As long as you don't wear white from head to toe, you'll be okay. These looks may help you:

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