The 1970's

Have you ever wondered what people actually wore back in the 1970's? 1970's is famous as the end of an era, the 50's era that lasted for 20 years.When Elvis was the king of style.
I'm curious because recently I found my dad's pics when he was younger (he was born at the 50's so I wondered how he looked when he was 20, just like me now) then I looked it up online about 70's style. I found this video:

I know it's old but when you watched the video carefully, men's fashion in that time influenced today's era. We all know I'm not talking about the pants, lol.

I found two-toned brogue in the video. So I took a conclusion that shoes in the 70's were quite iconic. Brogue was (and still) famous because of its unique style, especially the pattern that is in the front part of the shoes. Two-toned brogues make it more interesting because men can explore deeper about the colors and the combination when they wear a formal wear.

1970's brogue

Today's brogue

J. W. Anderson did a famous collection that was influenced by 1970's style. His A/W 2012 collection for men resurrected the style from hair, tops, until shoes. So what do you think about the style from the 70's? Feel inspired?

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