Japanese Festival

I was checking my old pics on my phone and suddenly I found some pics when I attended some Japanese festival that was held by my uni. It's a huge event and I remember looking through my closet for the perfect outfit.
Japan is famous for having a free style. In Asia, Japan is one those countries that has a really unique style and it's original. Harajuku, goth, or even their street style, they have their own character. And talking back about the festival, I decided to wear something more... Asia.

Top: Uniqlo tee, black cardigan from distro
Watch: Tommy Hilfiger
Pants: Levi's
Shoes: Wakai

But there was one thing that made me a little bit shocked, that I completely forgot, it's a costume festival. I could've wore something more if I remember that. So this kind of festival, as we all know, is called cosplay party. People wear outfits that are inspired from fictional character, it could be from movies or cartoons.

From head to toe, people were crazier than I thought, wigs, make ups, bags, shoes, even the props were real (swords, umbrellas, etc.) I mean these guys were so free. I was quite amazed. And as you can see, I played kendama, one of the most well-known traditional games using a wooden hammer and a red ball (but I couldn't make the ball get onto the top of the hammer, it's so hard tho).
Japan has one of the cultures that I love because of its character. It's strong, famous, and weird at the same time. We can't deny that they have an influential style in fashion world.

Sad Outfits

Some outfits are meant to be annoying, but some are meant to be very comfortable. People have their own shirts, jeans, pants, shoes, or even earrings that makes them feel safe when they're sad. For me, recently I found a red flannel from my closet. I almost forgot that I have this warm flannel.

Like I said before, I choose to wear this when I'm sad, because it's warm. You know, you can't always tell all of your problems or feelings even to your close friends, some feelings just can't be told. By wearing it I feel warm and I could try to relax. I usually wear it simply with dark-blue jeans or my another black pants. There must be a black element when I'm not okay - like Chanel that always wore black after the death of her boyfriend. What's yours?

Flannel: St. John's Bay
Pants: Levi's
Watch: Tommy Hilfiger
Look inspired by Alexander McQueen, Fall '98

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Chanel Controversy, The End of Freedom in Fashion World?

Shocking news came from Chanel - the classy brand did an apology for what they've done in their pre-fall show. As all we know, Chanel held a show that used native American headpieces. The show is believed "raising eyebrows" because of the using of the headpieces on the catwalk. Some people say, it's disrespectful.

The using of this kind of headpiece has been controversies for years. In 2012, Karlie Kloss wore the same headpiece and pushed VS to apologize for using it on their runway. I know maybe that headpiece is a sacred symbol for native Americans and people in fashion industry shouldn't use it as just a "hat."
But, back to the essence of fashion. Why would fashion people use them on their head? Chanel released an official statement saying that Native Americans are an integral part of Texas' rich history and culture and the feather headdress, a symbol of strength and bravery, is one of the most visually stunning examples of creativity and craftsmanship. They also said that it was really meant to be a tribute to the beauty of craftsmanship. What's the problem? I don't see any. If people really want to relate fashion and styles to another aspects that are really sacred, they'd be shocked. Chanel and VS aren't the only one that use "unusual" pieces on the runway. Alexander McQueen once held a show in a church (and the collection was called "Dante," held in 1996), but he didn't apologize for what he has done. Givenchy also released tee and sweater collections with different prints on it, one of them was a picture of Marie Magdalene holding Jesus, it never made any controversies.

My point is this. Chanel as one of the most classy brands that produces high-end wearings, should really respect their late owner, Coco Chanel herself. Coco was famous for being a strong-independent woman. She never quit and also never regret for what she's created. She fell several times during her struggle in fashion world, from making hats to making cheap dresses to simply name her perfume "Chanel No.5," she always put her touch so everybody knew that they were "made by Coco." She was mocked for using unusual fabrics to make dresses, but she insisted that it's what women wanted in that time, and she was right.  We must protect the legacy of creativity in fashion world. Otherwise, we'd be restricted for wearing another "sacred" things, forever.

Best Thanksgiving Moments: Remembering Gossip Girl

I'm not gonna lie - Gossip Girl was one of the best TV series I've ever watched. I remember the first time I watched it, it wasn't exactly the first episode, I watched it accidentally when I turned on my TV and suddenly I heard One Republic's Apologize played. That's when Dan and Serena walked together outside a building and her mom, Lily, watched her from above. It was sad and sweet at the same time and I simply fell in love with GG. The narration reminded me of Sex & The City, and all of the fashion stuff in every GG episodes were no joke!
So let's take a moment to remember the thanksgiving episodes from Gossip Girl. I give you a hint: disaster. Does it ring a bell? Yes, every thanksgiving episodes of GG ended with disasters. Revealed dirty secrets, disappointments, sadness, all at once. Here's the two-most tragic thanksgiving episodes of Gossip Girl, according to me:

Blair Waldorf Must Pie (Season 1)

This was the first thanksgiving episode. I remember I expected something happy and full of joy moments, but when the episode started with drunk Serena and Nate, making love in a bar and Blair was watching them, it was unbelievable. I realized that this episode was gonna be epic. And yep, it ended with messed up facts that Lily had an affair with Rufus, it's complicated because their children love each other. Also the fact that Blair's dad wasn't coming to the thanksgiving and Blair was very upset about that, literally broke my heart.
Their style, of course Blair and Serena look like high-class high school students. Beauty and maturity were intensely pushed into their styles. Dan still looks like a Humphrey - living in Brooklyn with lumpy sweaters. Chuck with his colorful clothes (remember that famous basketball outfit of Chuck Bass?) and Nate, he's the son of one of the richest men in Upper East Side.


It's Really Complicated (Season 6)

From the first season I jumped to the sixth. Because I smelled that something epic would happen in this last thanksgiving episode. There was never a good thanksgiving moment in GG, and I was right. Broken-hearted Serena, Dan got punched by Nate for publishing his exposé about Serena, and Chair (Chuck and Blair) created an ally to destroy Bart Bass. Lily also got realized by Blair and apologized to Chuck for not believing him earlier. The missing part in this episode was Blair that didn't think about his dad. That's kinda sad but maybe at some point, we all need to grow up and move on to another level of our mind (but I didn't see Blair's dad on Serena & Dan's wedding so I don't quite understand why he didn't make any appearance in this last season).
From high school classy students to socialite, that describes them best. Blair and Serena have a really high class taste, of course, maybe because Blair is now the owner of Waldorf Design and Serena replaced Lily's position as the high class Van Der Woodsen. Chuck and Nate turned into the stylish businessmen and Dan turned from the ugly duckling into a famous writer - that quite influenced his style, mostly hair style.

See the style evolution of Blair and Serena here

Mind-Blowing Miss Blow

Suddenly everybody is talking about Isabella Blow again on my Twitter. I wondered what happened and then I tried to google. Again, I found so many websites and blogs talking about her.

Yes, Philip Treacy, the most famous house for producing artistic hats, together with Alexander McQueen are doing a tribute to late Isabella Blow. The exhibition is called Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore!, held at Somerset House in London. It's held from November 20, 2013 until March 4, 2014.They're also working together with The Isabella Blow Foundation and Central Saint Martins.
At first I wondered about what kind of exhibition it is. Then finally I was (or you were) right: it's hats everywhere. I thought that Alexander McQueen would participate into this tribute because she was, you know, Lee's muse. But after all, the designer himself already gone. Like every tribute, every single thing that is exhibited looks deep, sad, but brings the spirit of their late owner.

Image from Somerset House

Image from Somerset House

A famous head piece that was on the coffin of Isabella Blow.

In my life, Isabella is one of my inspirations. I tell you why. People that don't know much about fashion mock her, saying that she's just a weird person wearing weird head piece. But for me, she's much more than that. I've watched a lot of her interviews and I believe, she's one of the bravest women ever. When she was young, she worked at Vogue as Anna Wintour's assistant. As a person that had a job in Vogue, it's really cool. But then she found out that her love in fashion was more than that. Then she discovered Lee McQueen and Philip Treacy. From that moment she became an icon, wearing hats that Philip made, and being Lee's muse. Her turning point from some fashion journalist to a muse amazes me. She was brave to follow her passion and from her interviews, I know that she's just being herself. Wearing artistic things on her head and her body, walking so confidently like she wore nothing, smoking while being interviewed.. It's just mind-blowing. Years after she passed away, people still consider her as one of the biggest influential icon in fashion industry. Many artists are inspired by her, including Lady Gaga.

"Gaga and Isabella Blow look physically quite the same," said photographer Nick Knight, "so in many ways, she would be a good person to do that. …There is a lot of the spirit of Isabella Blow in what Gaga has done," he said, citing the Mother Monster's "exuberance, and love of the extreme, and that sort of quite extreme vision of a woman is something that Gaga has picked up on." 

A preview of Nick Knight's work for the tribute

Daphne Guinness said, “This exhibition is, to me, a bittersweet event. Isabella Blow made our world more vivid, trailing color with every pace she took. It is a sorrier place for her absence. When I visited her beloved clothes in a storage room in South Kensington, it seemed quite clear the collection would be of immense value to a great many people. I do believe that in choosing to exhibit them we’ve done the right thing – and that it is what she would have wanted. I am doing this in memory of a dear friend, in the hope that her legacy may continue to aid and inspire generations of designers to come”.

She's just... an icon. Rest in peace, miss Isabella Blow.

Watch SHOWstudio's fashion film: tribute to Isabella Blow here. (YouTube)

Technology Is No More Nerd, It's More Fab Now

Technology and fashion - two different things that sometimes don't work together. But when we look back, there are some designers that combined these two into a piece of art. Technology in fashion is not a new thing, a lot of forms of technology have been involved to the clothing industry. Even though not all people can wear it (only special or "weird" people like artists and models) but the occurrence of this combination keeps increasing.

Alexander McQueen was famous for this fusion. When he worked as a designer at Givenchy he held several shows that involved the use of technology. The paint-sprayer robot that moved by itself sprayed the dress that was wore by a model, changed it into a new form of a dress full of colors. When Lee had his own brand, Alexander McQueen, he also held his last show with technology involved. Models with his infamous armadillo shoes and sparkling dress, walking on the runway with two massive cameras moving along with them.

Two robots spraying paint to the dress, live on the McQueen show

Two cameras moving along with the models.

Now, as the technology keeps developing, many designers and artists try to invent another way to combine these two different things in more intimate way. Singers like Lady Gaga, has her own company to do this things called Studio XO, a branch in Haus Of Gaga that specially works for her to make innovative dresses. A bubble dress, not the old bubble dress that she wore at the SNL, is actually a dress that can produces real bubbles and it makes that dress looks so innovative. Volantis, a dress that can actually fly was also designed by her team.

Lady Gaga's bubble dress

Volantis, first ever flying dress

These two revolutionary artists are not the only one that use technology as the thing that influences fashion. A lot of different and unique dresses like neon dress, living dress, including in movie industry like Tron Legacy, Step Up 3D and another forms of dresses, wigs, and accessories have been made by using this modern phenomena. By seeing this new kind of activity that has been happening in the fashion world, it means that human has been trying to invent something new. People in the fashion industry has been trying to destroy the circle - the circle in fashion world that keeps repeating the eras that have happened before. It means in the future we can see people wearing the more innovative, unique and a lot different things for their clothes. Maybe technology and fashion were destined to be together and change the entire face of fashion industry, pushing the designers and fashion freaks to invent another trend that is more original.

A Journey To A Little Fashion Show

Without any doubt, I'm really proud of my university. Because it holds 2 fashion shows in a year and those are quiet good. Yesterday 10/15 I attended one of the shows it's called Festifrance. Actually it's not only a fashion show, it includes another shows like sexy dance, band performances, DJ performance, and Beat-box. But the fashion show itself is the main show of the event.

Motonari Ono & Somarta on Jakarta Fashion Week 2014

Attending Jakarta Fashion Week always feels like a dream because it's the biggest fashion event in my country. Even I could only attend 1 show, it means so much to me because I still had a chance to see the latest style and collection of one of big brands in the show.

M.I.A x Versus Versace

Versace is not stopping from producing stuff for youth! After their success releasing great collection with J. W. Anderson (and held a fabulous party) now they released a collection, with their new partner M.I.A.

Givenchy's Holy Collection

Givenchy as one of the biggest influences for youth released a tee collection with a lot of different prints. They all look so artistic – in a good way. Then I tried to understand about the meaning of the pictures that are printed on their tees.

The 1970's

Have you ever wondered what people actually wore back in the 1970's? 1970's is famous as the end of an era, the 50's era that lasted for 20 years.When Elvis was the king of style.

Marc Jacobs Leaves Louis Vuitton

It was not too long I posted about Marc Jacobs, it was about his tattoos. Now we must face sad news from him, that Marc left Louis Vuitton.

Jay Z Joins Barneys New York, Launch New Collection This November

In the spirit of holiday cheer, Barneys New York (aka BNY) has teamed up with none other than Shawn Carter (aka Sean C. Carter; aka SCC; aka Jay Z; aka Beyoncé's husband) to create a capsule collection, quite reasonably titled A New York Holiday.

Dolce & Gabbana Opens A Menswear Store At London

New stores everywhere! Now the famous D&G opens its store in London. London gentlemen got a sneak peek of the next season

Jake Gyllenhaal Covers V MAN Magazine

The Brokeback Mountain star covers V MAN magazine, the 10th anniversary issue. Jake looks great on the cover but for me he looks much older than I could remember. This cover was shot by Hedi Slimane.

See How Inez & Vinoodh Work With Diesel

No words needed. See the amazing instagram videos from Nicola Formichetti. These videos apparently directed and edited by Inez and Vinoodh.

Vogue: Heidi Slimane, The Single Most Influential Men's Designer This Century

For me, Twitter is one of the best source of information. Recently I try to find some ideas through it, and I found this:

Marc Jacobs On Tattoos In The Fashion Industry

People are always asking Marc Jacobs what he’ll think when he’s 80. Will he regret the SpongeBob SquarePants on his right arm if it wrinkles or droops?

V-Race Watches Collection From Versace

Versace revealed another collection of their luxurious watch, it's called V-Race. These branded timepieces have a good material with the famous Medusa logo on the top of it.

The World of Denim, Part 1. The History

I am not going to tell you about boring histories but believe me, the story of denim is so mind-blown! Can you just imagine how people can fall in love with this kind of fabric?

Batman, A Style Icon. You Don't Believe Me?

It's official that Ben Affleck will be the next Batman in Man of Steel Sequel. I see people on my Twitter talking about him but in my opinion there's nothing wrong if he becomes the new Batman. But do you really know that we actually can learn fashion from this superhero?

Men In Black: Art And Technology In One Taste

Steve Jobs in Warholian Style
Let's just let it all out: It's ANDY WARHOL and STEVE JOBS! These two iconic figure in their 'territory', Andy for art and Steve for technology were famous of having style in black. Later then they style became iconic.

When Mythology Reaches Fashion

I'm always interested in mythology since in elementary, that was when my brother brought a novel about Cleopatra. Since then, I was like obsessed about the whole stories about Egyptian mythology. But later then I found out that mythology doesn't belong only to Egypt, but it also belongs to Greek and other countries.
There are a lot of collections that use mythology theme. If we talk about brands, I'm sure the first thing in our mind is Versace - because of the logo. Versace logo is Medusa, one of the most iconic character in Greek mythology.

Look Closer Into Dries Van Noten Menswear SS14

I have no idea how could I not think about Dries Van Noten. But to be honest I don't really know the exact concept of this brand because I see floral for their latest menswear collection.

Are White Trousers Still Underrated?

I tell you now, the answer is no. I decided to write about this because few weeks ago my friends said that white trousers is so old - in a bad way. I don't know why would they said that because to be totally honest they're engineering students, people that have the lowest consciousness about style and fashion. I could say in that time that they're totally wrong, but I think it's better if they read my blog.

Ripping Off Men In Skirts, Oh, It's Called Kilts

Since I was a kid I've been thinking about weird clothes that I've seen from books or tv, then I remember I asked so many questions to my parents about Scottish men. What are they wearing? Why are they wearing skirts? And now I want to write a post about this, in case you are curious too with this traditional wearing from Scotland.

Introducing RCKR KICK From CK

If you know about gadgets like me I'm sure you will imagine Moto ROKR E1, one of the biggest phenomenon back in 2005. But (un)fortunately it's not about that gadget. RCKR KICK -  I'm not sure why they keep using caps lock on this - is a brand new jeans collection from Calvin Klein.

Saint Laurent vs Alexander McQueen: Skulls, Their Death-Themed Accessories

Skulls and skeletons have been the theme for some collection, not only womenswear, but also menswear. Big brands like Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, and Saint Laurent also released their collections of skulls and skeletons. But unlike the others, Alexander McQueen has their own story behind their skulls and skeletons. Lee, the designer himself was obsessed with death.

The Warmth of Beanies

G Dragon in his music video, Crayon
For fashion lovers like me, hats are one of the main elements. But of course, "hats" word is too general, right? We have our own favorite hats. Panama, fedora, beanie, flat cap - you name it, we have our own preference. In here let's talk about one of my favorite, beanie.

Celebs And Sweaters

Hey I don't know why recently I'm in love with sweaters and cardigans. I feel like safe when I'm wearing them. Then I look up online about celebrities that like sweaters. The results shocked me!

K-Way Unveils Their Latest Collection - With Versus Versace

K-Way finally unveils their newest collection, in their collaboration with Versus Versace. It releases two kind of fashion shapes, jacket and iPad case. We do agree that K-Way releases those two kind of shape, because we all know that Versus is a collection for youth.

Asian Taste In Europe: Superstar Taeyang Attends Paris Fashion Week

Paris is not always about European. Especially if we talk about fashion in here, Paris has been one of Meccas for fashion lovers. Not only from Europe itself, but also from people all around the world.
Asia has been the place for unique fashion, especially from the Eastern Asia. Japan, for example, is famous of its Harajuku style. Another part of East Asia that has been the place for fashion lovers is South Korea. Different from its 'opposite', South Korea is also famous of their music industry. Their artists also cannot be separated from their unique style.

The Story of Lee and Blow

A few days ago I watched a documentary of Alexander McQueen (Lee) and Isabella Blow. I knew both of them because, of course, they were one of the most famous designers and muses. Yes, maybe some of you already know that Isabella was Lee's muse (that one perfect model that is chosen by a designer to wear all of their collections). I was stunned about their story. Sad and tragic.
Last photoshoot of Lee and Isabella

New Mugler in Milan

Mugler finally opens a new boutique in Milan. Officially opened at June 25, the boutique itself has an adorable decoration. "Chimera", a gorge dress is also shown in it. See them below:

Latest Leather Collections

Leather is one of my favorite materials. For me, it can give you strong look and you can also look very stylish if you combine it right. Donatella herself once looked really fabulous wearing leather in several appearance.

Colors, Colors, Colors! Versace Menswear S/S 2014 is Full of Colors

Despite from this blog's name, Versace has been my favorite show of Milan Fashion Week. So many colors, I repeat, colors, that was involved on the show - not to mention the model's body was also painted to colors

Dsquared2 Shocks Audience With Unique Stage Installations And Concept

We've seen some shows in the Milan Fashion Week Spring Summer 2014. But how boring it could be knowing that all of them using almost same concept, and lame stage installations?
Well then, let's see Daquared2 SS14 Menswear show.